At Mud Queen Pottery, we always enjoy sharing our clay knowledge! We also want to create an environment where clay artists of all levels can come and learn from masters in the field of pottery. On this page, we will provide upcoming workshop information, the hosting clay artists, and the techniques they will teach in their workshop. Please fill out the form below if you are a clay artist interested in teaching a workshop at Mud Queen Pottery!
BEN CARTER: Decadent Design for the Soft Surface
June 8th & 9th, 2024
Ben Carter is an artist, educator, and podcast producer based in New Jersey. He received his BFA from Appalachian State University and his MFA from the University of Florida. His professional experience includes being an artist-in-residence at the Archie Bray Foundation in Helena, MT and Anderson Ranch Arts Center in Snowmass, CO, and the Education Director of the Pottery Workshop in Shanghai, China. He has lectured and exhibited widely in the United States, Canada, China, Australia, and New Zealand. In addition to his studio work he is the host of the Tales of a Red Clay Rambler podcast, where he interviews artists about their craft, creativity, and lifestyle and the executive producer of The Brickyard Network, a collection of ceramic podcasts. He has authored Mastering the Potter’s Wheel by Voyageur Press in 2016, The Complete Guide to Low Fire Glaze by Quarry Press in 2024, and was named Ceramic Artist of the Year in 2016 by Ceramics Monthly.
For more information regarding this workshop or to sign up, click here.
Past Workshops
ANDREW LINDERMAN: Making Expressive Pots with Texture, Volume, and Fluidity
September 16th & 17th, 2023
Andrew Linderman is an aspiring studio potter and former high school chemistry teacher originally from the Twin Cities, MN and currently living and working in Milwaukee, WI. He makes functional pots to make the best moments in life better, to make the mundane moments more enjoyable, and to make the difficult moments more bearable. Linderman uses his background in chemistry to create glazes that are enhanced by the firing processes in which he produces his pots. Since 2017, He has been exploring how wood firing affects his surfaces. He continually strives to create a body work in which the functionality of a piece is enhanced by its aesthetic and tactile qualities. Linderman graduated from Luther College (Decorah, IA) in 2012 with a Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry. He has learned his art and craft primarily from George Lowe, S.C. Rolf, Simon Levin, and Michael Kline. Linderman also teaches classes at Cream City Clayin West Allis, WI and gives workshops nationally.
painting dynamic images with NIKKI MIZAK - February 26 & 27, 2022
“I create functional pottery that I hope brings happiness, beauty, and something special to everyday life. I enjoy those quiet moments in the morning before the kids are awake and the world starts to stir. I like to make pottery that fills those moments with discovery and a little touch of luxury, whether it's running my fingers over the slip-trailed lines on a detailed mug or admiring the strokes on a hand-painted pitcher for pouring syrup on French toast.
Although on the surface it may seem like I feature animals because they are "cute", I feature them in order to honor them. Farm animals like chickens are a large portion of my work because I want to showcase a side of them that many people don't see. Chicken trucks packed from top to bottom with dirty, white birds drive past my house every day, and the sadness lingers longer than the odor. I want to show that animals like these chickens are more than ingredients tightly packed in plastic and polystyrene foam. I enjoy trying to capture their personalities, their curious yet judgmental eyes, and the way their beautiful feathers beg to be painted.”
We really appreciate Nikki for joining us here at Mud Queen to show you her techniques and we cannot wait to welcome her back!